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Black Templars has members all over the world, both competitive players and casual ones just looking to have fun. Here you can find the In Game Name and respective Telegram @username:


Leadership Team

BT FizzyBurnsRed - @FizzyBurnsRed26
BT Jagmaster - @Jagmaster
BT Meth - @tweakedx

BT Mojorge - @BT_Mojorge
BT Sigismund - @BTSigismund
BT Zotti - @BTZotti


List of all members

BT Adi - @ADllNA
BT Alycard
BT Azrath - @BtAzrath
BT Bobb10 - @B0BB10
BT Cursive - @old_man_Vin
BT Disconnected - @DiscoDisconnected
BT Dmonio - @demonio_valdez
BT Downsmash - @Downsmash
BT EmirD - @Unknownpogi626
BT Ethereal - @snbtblgn
BT Fasthand - @FastHand17
BT FrankenStein - @Herijuana
BT GeeGne - @GeeGne

BT GeekPicks - @GeekPicks
BT JayTh3Walk3r-420 - @BtJayTh3Walk3r420
BT Kat - @BT_Kat
BT Khellus - @Khellus
BT King Omni - @KingOmnipotent

BT Kocainekev - @btkocainekev
BT Kurbeka @Ugons
BT KVill79 - @KVill79
BT Legolas42 - @btlegolas
BT Lylianah
BT Mapidi
BT Mlking -

BT Mixmanpowered - @BTMixmanpowered
BT Nomen Nescio - @NomenNescioSE
BT Nova
BT Novajinxx - @Novajinxx
BT Npar - @NPargn
BT Orayt - @BT_Orayt
BT Pazziammazzi - @PazziAmmazzi
BT Pink Valkyrie - @PinkVal1
BT Raphael - @MiranRaphael
BT Rayidoo - @Evilshubby
BT Remiss - @Remiss83
BT Rocket - @Stealthy_Cat
BT RpmiX - @tonyxsynot
BT SamYou2D3ath - @SamYou2D3ath
BT Sherizay
BT SkullBoris
BT William Munny -

BT Yago - @dolencias

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